The Importance of Clutter Clearing to Good Feng Shui
One of the things that I would talk to you about during a
consultation, is the importance of moving furniture and going
through your possessions to evaluate what is broken, what hasn't been
used for a long time, what has sentimental value?
Not moving things around, or not getting rid of unwanted things, causes
a stale negative
energy to accumulate in your home. Holding on to old things can
indicate an unwillingness to let go of the past and to move on to a new
and better life in the future. This kind of clutter stops new things
with positive energy from entering your life.
Eliminating clutter in the house is one of the first things to
look at during Feng Shui Optimisation. If you are not prepared to get rid of
things or to give them away, or have a garage sale,
that may reduce the chance of the important changes
you desire from taking place.
In the process of de-cluttering your house, you have to
be careful not to go from one extreme to the other.
When getting rid of things, be sure that is really
what you want to do; don’t overdo it and end up with
a neutralized area or environment to live in. It is
important that you follow your own intuition about
everything that you look at.
Our lives have become so busy! In the olden days,
people took much more notice of what the environment
around them was trying to tell them.
Today we try to put so much into our lives that we
forget about what is really going on. We go to work
when it’s dark; we work in artificial light; we go
home when it’s dark; we don’t really see what is
going on around us.
This applies the same for our
intuition. Because our lives are so hectic, our
intuition is becoming smothered in the activities
that we are trying to accomplish in our lives, so
for intuition to grow, we need to make sure that our
lives are more balanced.